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Structured Settlements Buffett

Strong support of Structured Settlements from Warren Buffett.

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NSSTA Buffett Quote Brochure

What Does Warren Buffett Know About Structured Settlements That You Don’t Know?

Download NSSTA Buffett Quote Brochure


NSSTA Structures for Minors Brochure

When resolving a case involving an injury to a minor, parents are faced with important financial decisions for their child. Understanding the available options for a minor is an important part of the settlement process.

Download NSSTA Structures for Minors Brochure


NSSTA Structured Settlement Annuities Brochure

Structured Settlement Annuities - Safe, Secure and Highly Regulated

Download NSSTA Structured Settlement Annuities Brochure


NSSTA Structured Settlements - Financial Security for Your Future

Structured Settlements - Financial Security for Your Future, Guaranteed

Download NSSTA Structured Settlements - Financial Security for Your Future


Financial Strategies Brochure

Structured Settlements - The Key to a Successful Financial Strategy

Download Financial Strategies Brochure


CFPB Warning on Factoring

What should I know before giving up my monthly disability, personal injury or structured settlement payments in exchange for a one-time lump sum payment?

Download CFPB Warning on Factoring


2017 AAPD-NSSTA Structured Settlements Policy Statement

For over a decade NSSTA and AAPD forged a strong partnership in order to promote the peace of mind and long-term financial security inherent in structured settlements to the newly injured and disabled individual.

Download 2017 AAPD-NSSTA Structured Settlements Policy Statement


In Their Own Words

Accident survivors describe why they chose a structured settlement to resolve their lawsuits.

Download In Their Own Words


An Introduction to Structured Settlements

Here's a brief overview of what structured settlements are and why federal law encourages their use.

Download An Introduction to Structured Settlements


Structures & Workers' Compensation

The federal tax code encourages structured settlements for workers’ compensation claims. Find out more about how this option can provide steady tax-free income for a worker and that worker's family.

Download Structures & Workers' Compensation


Structured Settlements & Qualified Assignments: How federal tax rules benefit all parties in a claim

Encouraged by the federal tax code, a qualified assignment offers several advantages for a defendant, including removing all future responsibility to the claimant, and the prospect of more efficient claims handling.

Download Structured Settlements & Qualified Assignments: How federal tax rules benefit all parties in a claim


Structured Settlements: Explaining Constructive Receipt

At the core of the federal tax code's explicit recognition of structured settlements is the concept of constructive receipt. This handout includes citations, for the doctrine of constructive receipt and offers a concise explanation about Congress' intent and how the Internal Revenue Service has traditionally interpreted its application.

Download Structured Settlements: Explaining Constructive Receipt


Special Needs Trust Handout

With as little as $2,000 in assets, you can be disqualified from some government support programs. But a special needs trust funded with a structured settlement can help maintain your eligibility.

Download Special Needs Trust Handout


Reducing Financial Risk in Your Middle Years

A structured settlement is an ideal way for people in their middle years to handle the increasing financial burdens of children, college, parents and retirement planning.

Download Reducing Financial Risk in Your Middle Years


Financial Strategies with a Structured Settlement

Learn about several financial issues including wealth accumulation and the benefits of a structured settlement consultant.

Download Financial Strategies with a Structured Settlement


Financial Security When Your Whole Life is in Front of You

This helps explain the how people in their 20s and 30s can design future payments to take advantage of the federal tax rules that make structured settlements so financially attractive.

Download Financial Security When Your Whole Life is in Front of You


Financial Security For The Golden Years

As people near retirement age, their notions of financial risk change considerably. Find out about structured settlements' unique financial and security benefits and how these can be especially valuable for those who are in or nearing retirement.

Download Financial Security For The Golden Years


An American Hero on Civil Rights & Structured Settlements

This four-page publication contains reflections about civil rights and structured settlements from U.S. Congressman John Lewis, the sole surviving speaker from the 1963 March. In addition to his courageous civil rights work, Mr. Lewis is a longtime proponent of structured settlements and the rights of accident survivors to accept claim settlements in a stream of tax-free income.

Download An American Hero on Civil Rights & Structured Settlements


Structured Settlements & Qualified Assignments: How federal tax rules benefit all parties in a claim

Encouraged by the federal tax code, a qualified assignment offers several advantages for a defendant, including removing all future responsibility to the claimant, and the prospect of more efficient claims handling.

Download Structured Settlements & Qualified Assignments: How federal tax rules benefit all parties in a claim


Structured Settlements: Explaining Constructive Receipt

At the core of the federal tax code's explicit recognition of structured settlements is the concept of constructive receipt. This handout includes citations for the doctrine of constructive receipt and offers a concise explanation about Congress' intent and how the Internal Revenue Service has traditionally interpreted its application.

Download Structured Settlements: Explaining Constructive Receipt


Prudential White Paper - An Effective Solution for Meeting the Ongoing Financial Needs of Physical Injury Victims

Structured settlements have played a role in helping physical injury victims and their families for more than a quarter century. Relieving individuals from the responsibility of managing significant sums of money, structured settlements deliver fixed streams of payments that can help address the ongoing needs of those involved in physical injury and wrongful death claims

Download Prudential White Paper - An Effective Solution for Meeting the Ongoing Financial Needs of Physical Injury Victims


Estrategias Financieras Folleto

Las lesiones y las muertes accidentales son traumáticas y desestabilizadoras. Es por eso que el gobierno federal fomenta el uso de un beneficio especial para garantizar la paz mental financiera.

Download Estrategias Financieras Folleto


Anualidades de Acuerdo Estructurado

Disfrutando del fuerte apoyo del Congreso bipartidista y apoyado por el código fiscal federal desde que fue
codificado en 1983, las anualidades de acuerdo estructurado están ampliamente reconocidas como entre las
más seguras opciones financieras disponibles para los beneficiarios de daños físicos y dinero de compensación
para trabajadores.

Download Anualidades de Acuerdo Estructurado


Acuerdos Estructurados Para Menores

Al resolver un caso que involucra una lesión a un menor, los padres se enfrentan a importantes decisiones financieras para su hijo. Comprender las opciones disponibles para un menor es una parte importante del proceso del acuerdo.

Download Acuerdos Estructurados Para Menores


Acuerdos Estructurados - NSSTA

Cuando acepta un acuerdo estructurado, está agregando confianza y certeza para su futuro financiero. Cada año, miles de estadounidenses recurren a acuerdos estructurados porque ninguna otra opción tiene tantas ventajas únicas.

Download Acuerdos Estructurados - NSSTA

NSSTA Brochures