Former NSSTA President Geoffrey P. Kissel talks about NSSTA's continued work on behalf of injured parties and their families. It's a strong commitment to advocacy everyday.
Injured People
Whether you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident, injured on the job, harassed at work, or suffered from any one of many injuries—emotional or physical—we are here to help. The members of the National Structured Settlements Trade Association® are passionate about assisting injured people in navigating through the often arduous settlement process and educating them about structured settlements. Read more...
Claims Professionals
Structured settlements can help claims departments settle cases more quickly and without the time and expense of a trial. Structured settlements can be useful in settling even the most complex cases. Structured settlement payments are income tax-free and payments can be tailored to meet the needs of the claimant - this can include replacement of income, college plans, and future medical expenses. Read more...
You have worked hard to settle your clients’ cases: from case intake and evaluation, discovery, demand letters and now to mediation. You have tried to manage your client’s expectations, understand their needs, and listen to their hopes and fears. But have you considered discussing a structured settlement with your client to help them achieve their future goals or to meet their ongoing needs? Read more...

“Structured settlements are critical to ensuring workplace injury victims and their families are financially secure while living free of reliance on government benefit programs. The issue caught my attention because I saw the good that could be accomplished – these victims deserve to live their lives with dignity and security. I’m honored to receive this Lifetime Achievement Award and thank the NSSTA for recognizing my work on behalf of injury victims,” - Grassley said